Saturday 9 July 2011

Selecting the Right CCTV Digital Video Recorder

The age of recording video images through VCRs is long gone. What we now have at our disposal are devices that exceed the features of the VCR technology by far. The fairly simple recording of video images has now evolved to systems that are equipped with a multitude of advanced functions. Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) are now widely used in both home and business applications. We can also find DVRs with very advanced features in security applications as part of CCTV systems.

A CCTV DVR system exceeds previous video recording options in many aspects, as its multitude of advanced features enable it to offer a wider range of services. Video searches by date, time, event and camera are just an example of what the advanced technology of a CCTV DVR can do. In addition to this, a CCTV DVR provides enhanced control over frame rate and quality, which allows for the optimization of disk space usage. Furthermore, should the disk space be exceeded, the CCTV DVR can be set to overwrite older footage. This system can also be connected to the Internet or a LAN network so as to allow security footage to be accessed from a remote location using a computer.

When you need to purchase a CCTV system, either for your business or for home use, you have to pay close attention to the kind of CCTV DVR that you choose as part of the kit. We could go as far as saying that the choice of digital video recorder for a security application is more important than that of the camera itself. Of course, there are many choices available when choosing CCTV cameras, but an informed choice of the CCTV DVR is very important. There are many aspects to consider when purchasing a CCTV DVR and what it basically comes down to is making the right choice so as to meet your particular needs and demands while trying to keep the budget as low as possible.

Before making a choice of CCTV DVRs you need to look into some important details such as the resolution and quality that you want, the recording options, footage accessibility, the technical support offered by the supplier and, why not, the price tag that the product comes with.

One of the most commonly used recorders in surveillance systems is the 4 Channel DVR, which has more advanced features than the traditional DVR used in home applications. The 4 Channel DVR is used with peripherals such as cameras and computers. Motion detection, data searching, audio and video compression and network backup are just some of its most important added features. The 4 Channel DVR can be connected to up to four cameras and allows real-time access to surveillance footage on the Internet irrespective of your location. This type of recorder also supports the use external media, such as optical disks or hard drives.

As has been said before, the features of the CCTV DVR are often more important than those of the camera or other accessories. The use of a 4 Channel DVR in your surveillance system will insure high quality videos, as well as enhanced playback.

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What is Digital Video Recorder

The Digital Video Recorder (or DVR) is one of the most miraculous Technological Inventions of the 21st century.

If you consider yourself technically illiterate, don't worry. Once explained, you will understand just what is Digital Video Recorder and you will most likely invest in one.

What the DVR is not is just another VCR. Compared to the DVR, the VCR is about as archaic as an 8-track cassette player.

The DVR's only similarity to a VCR is its ability to record shows from the TV. But, get this: You can record an entire season's worth of shows simply by programming the DVR just once. For example, if you love "The Office," simply find the show via the search function, select "Record entire series" and "Only new episodes" and you're set for the season. Do this for any and all television shows that are on your can't-miss list. And there is an included function on most DVR Cards that will make recommendations for shows based on the types of shows you habitually record.

Another primo feature of the DVR is its ability to record two shows at the same time. You can even pause and rewind live TV. Yes, actually pause live television. Think of all those sports plays you will never have to miss. Or if the phone rings while you're watching a movie, just hit pause and come back to where you left off after your conversation.

The DVR virtually eradicates any and all TV interruptions. In fact, if you're watching a recorded program, you can fast-forward through the commercials (and at three different levels of speed). This cuts your TV viewing time in half, easily.

How it works

Like the computer, the DVR contains a hard disk drive for storage. The DVR digitally records a program by compressing the video signal using a video encoder. The device's recording
and playback functions are separate from one another, which is why you can rewind a program while continuing to record it.

If you plan to record an abundance of shows, you will want a device that allows for at least 20 hours of recording time. Once the space on the hard drive fills up, the DVR Card will begin to erase already-recorded shows to make room for more recordings. So, there is some regular maintenance involved.

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Tuesday 5 July 2011

Home And Office CCTV DVR

Often when people purchase security camera systems, they pay more attention to the camera, but the DVR unit should also be an important consideration. For the security camera you should ensure that it has night vision capability and is of high quality. When considering the CCTV DVR it's all about the individual's requirement for things like resolution.

You may also need to take into account how long you want to do the recording, if you want to access it through the Internet, and how much you can spend for it. Well these are actually the most common considerations that we make when purchasing a device. So here is a list of the other things that you might need to look for when buying a CCTV DVR.

With an Alarms Contacts function the camera will start recording when an alarm is triggered. It's not always necessary to have security cameras on around the clock which makes it useful to have a Schedule Record mode on your DVR. Not all security cameras are weatherproof which means that placing an indoor designed camera outdoors is not a good idea. Exterior cameras are made to withstand outdoor weather as opposed to indoor security cameras.

If you buy a fairly new DVR system you will probably get a lot of the above options, however you may have to adjust each option. If a Digital Video Recorder  has a motion detector feature, then you might need to make adjustments on the sensitivity but it's a great feature to have. If you have a more advance DVR, you will have the features privacy mask, pre record, and post record.

Some DVRs allow you to watch footage online and even on mobile phones, but you have to check for this feature if you want it. Advanced CCTV digital video recorders not only give you more options but more flexibility, allowing you to playback, record and make adjustments through the Web and even on your cell phone.

Your budget - this is of course one of the most important considerations for anyone. But it's not idea to invest in a security camera system that is not sufficient for the space that you want covered. So you had better do some research so that you can find the most affordable DVR that meets your needs.

It is never an easy task to look for and choose the best DVR System. Neverless, it is really worthwhile to understand what your needs are and researching the functions of DVR systems. By doing this, you will surely come across the perfect security camera system.

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Friday 24 June 2011

All About DVR Recorder

The DVR Technology is used for two purposes- either to record channels or for surveillance.


The system can be used to monitor such homes and businesses which are in need for advanced security measures. Once this device is connected to a Personal Computer, it will help you to watch a particular area 24 hours of the day. If your business is diversified and you have offices in a number of countries all over the world, the DVR device makes it possible for you to keep an eye on activities in your London and Atlanta organization. This is possible because the DVR can be connected to the World Wide Web which will allow you to view images as and when they are formed.

The machine has impressive storage capacity and will allow the user to store recorded footage for over two months. One can do away with old-fashioned videotapes and avoid loss of important data by depending on this technology.
The surveillance system consists of a number of components, namely, motion sensors, zoom controlling, multiplexer, CCTV Connections and color quad processors. The zoom control is extremely beneficial as it will make it possible for you to view every corner of the targeted room. This way, you can make do with a single camera. The motion sensor helps to capture moving images. Therefore, you will not have to sit through hours of recorded footage as the DVR will only begin recording when motion is noticed. This also helps to save space on the memory card. The footage can then be transferred onto a CD or Pen Drive if it needs to be sent over to a third party.

The moving image can then be separated which makes it easier for the concerned party to recognize faces. Some machines also make it possible to record audio. Safety is ensured if you buy a DVR which is why most malls and banks are demanding the machine more and more.

Record Channels

If you are fond of sitcoms and can't catch them at the right time, no matter how hard you try- a DVR or a Digital Video Recorder is the answer to all your prayers. Several companies manufacture this equipment which makes it difficult for the customer to make a choice. Apart from doing adequate research about the company's credibility, you must also keep a number of features in mind. This will ensure that you buy the right DVR.
Different types of recorders are available in the market today such as –

DVR Card, CCTV DVR, Stand Alone DVR, DVR recorder, 4 Channel DVR, 8 Channel DVR, 16 Channel DVR

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Tuesday 31 May 2011


A CCTV DVR System exceeds previous video recording options in many aspects, as its multitude of advanced features enable it to offer a wider range of services. Video searches by date, time, event and camera are just an example of what the advanced technology of a CCTV DVR can do. In addition to this, a CCTV DVR provides enhanced control over frame rate and quality, which allows for the optimization of disk space usage. Furthermore, should the disk space be exceeded, the CCTV DVR can be set to overwrite older footage. This system can also be connected to the Internet or a LAN network so as to allow security footage to be accessed from a remote location using a computer.

When you need to purchase a CCTV system, either for your business or for home use, you have to pay close attention to the kind of CCTV DVR that you choose as part of the kit. We could go as far as saying that the choice of digital video recorder for a security application is more important than that of the camera itself. Of course, there are many choices available when choosing CCTV Camera, but an informed choice of the CCTV DVR is very important. There are many aspects to consider when purchasing a CCTV DVR and what it basically comes down to is making the right choice so as to meet your particular needs and demands while trying to keep the budget as low as possible.

Before making a choice of CCTV DVRs you need to look into some important details such as the resolution and quality that you want, the recording options, footage accessibility, the technical support offered by the supplier and, why not, the price tag that the product comes with.

One of the most commonly used recorders in surveillance systems is the 4 Channel DVR, which has more advanced features than the traditional DVR used in home applications. The 4 Channel DVR is used with peripherals such as cameras and computers. Motion detection, data searching, audio and video compression and network backup are just some of its most important added features. The 4 Channel DVR can be connected to up to four cameras and allows real-time access to surveillance footage on the Internet irrespective of your location. This type of recorder also supports the use external media, such as optical disks or hard drives.

As has been said before, the features of the CCTV DVR are often more important than those of the camera or other accessories. The use of a 4 Channel DVR in your surveillance system will insure high quality videos, as well as enhanced playback.

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Wednesday 30 March 2011

How to Use Digital Video Recorder Software

DVR Software will allow your computer to recognize a DVR Card  that are installing on your computer. This software along with the DVR card will allow you to do many things, such as converting video images to files, video compression, controlling the movement of the Camera, display and even playback. It’s pretty amazing what you can do.

DVR software has come along way and now you are able to put surveillance right in your very own home and it’s the same technology that many businesses use. I have a friend that just put in two camera’s into his home and is able to see who is at his front door when he is up stairs sitting on his computer, it’s the coolest thing. He even has the ability to record what the camera is seeing, so if anything ever was to happen it would be recorded on his computer through the DVR software. There are truly so many things that can be done using this surveillance system in your own home or business. I actually just ordered three cameras that I will be putting up throughout my home. I have a babysitter that is over my house watching my children, so I would like to make sure that everything is going alright.
You can find many DVR cards that already have the DVR Software built into it. This is much more secure and will give you a much better performance. There are many different features that you can get in DVR software, such as the ability to manipulate DVDs and CDs. If this is something that you want to do you will need to make sure that the software that you are purchasing has this capability because there are many different features to all of the many DVR software packages to choose from.

I suggest that you do a bit of research on the different software packages that are available and you should also read the many reviews about them. These reviews are done by other people that have purchased and used the DVR Software. They have no reason to be deceitful so use them as your guide to which software is going to offer you the best of everything. There are many online websites that you can purchase your DVR software from and download it immediatelyArticle Search, or you can just do your research online and then go to your local store to make the purchase.

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A Brief Description Of Digital Video Recorder Card

A DVR card is used in DVR equipment to store information and to help the equipment function. DVR stands for Digital Video Recorder. A DVR has a host of functions for controlling digital media. Live TV can be paused; events, programs and movies can be recorded. There are playback features and a host of other up to the minute features available with a DVR.

Satellite and DVR

The satellite industry introduced its first DVR back in the nineteen nineties; they took off like rockets everywhere. Everyone wanted one and everyone got one. The DVR can record programs and movies directly from the satellite system; it requires the card that is validated by the satellite system before sending the signal through the DVR box. The card is used a security feature to make sure no one is getting anything for free. It is a computer coded card that can be read by the satellite system. The card holds account information, viewing preferences and a host of other information regarding the customer of the satellite company.

Cable and DVR

Cable companies soon followed the satellite companies in offering DVR boxes with their services. The cable boxes that have DVR capabilities also use a card to share information and to make sure the service is being paid for. Without the card in place and being legitimate the cable will not feed a picture through to the TV set.

A DVR card is a functional part of the DVR System  it is an expendable component that may have to be replaced over time. The system will not operate without a card, so maintenance is important. Vacuuming out dust regularly from the DVR equipment will extend the life of the DVR and the card.

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