Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Home And Office CCTV DVR

Often when people purchase security camera systems, they pay more attention to the camera, but the DVR unit should also be an important consideration. For the security camera you should ensure that it has night vision capability and is of high quality. When considering the CCTV DVR it's all about the individual's requirement for things like resolution.

You may also need to take into account how long you want to do the recording, if you want to access it through the Internet, and how much you can spend for it. Well these are actually the most common considerations that we make when purchasing a device. So here is a list of the other things that you might need to look for when buying a CCTV DVR.

With an Alarms Contacts function the camera will start recording when an alarm is triggered. It's not always necessary to have security cameras on around the clock which makes it useful to have a Schedule Record mode on your DVR. Not all security cameras are weatherproof which means that placing an indoor designed camera outdoors is not a good idea. Exterior cameras are made to withstand outdoor weather as opposed to indoor security cameras.

If you buy a fairly new DVR system you will probably get a lot of the above options, however you may have to adjust each option. If a Digital Video Recorder  has a motion detector feature, then you might need to make adjustments on the sensitivity but it's a great feature to have. If you have a more advance DVR, you will have the features privacy mask, pre record, and post record.

Some DVRs allow you to watch footage online and even on mobile phones, but you have to check for this feature if you want it. Advanced CCTV digital video recorders not only give you more options but more flexibility, allowing you to playback, record and make adjustments through the Web and even on your cell phone.

Your budget - this is of course one of the most important considerations for anyone. But it's not idea to invest in a security camera system that is not sufficient for the space that you want covered. So you had better do some research so that you can find the most affordable DVR that meets your needs.

It is never an easy task to look for and choose the best DVR System. Neverless, it is really worthwhile to understand what your needs are and researching the functions of DVR systems. By doing this, you will surely come across the perfect security camera system.

 About Author : http://www.sooperarticles.com

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